Providing scouting adventures to the young people around us
We have a range of buildings and facilities on site available to use.
** All buildings above have disabled friendly access.
The Linhay: This houses our fridges and freezers allowing groups to freeze ice packs and keep food frozen / refrigerated as well as some of the self led activity equipment.The Rendle Hut: This is a generously sized building with a large porch on the front, ideal for hanging wet suits up to dry or shelter from the rain. This building has tables, chairs and a white board. As well as a sink for making tea and coffee or washing up after craft (great for meetings or training or just watching a movie on camp).The Hughes Building: This is made up of 2 rooms, both with outside access and an internal door between the 2, allowing the option of hiring 1 room or both. This building has tables, chairs and white boards in both rooms. As well as a sink in one of them for making tea and coffee or washing up after craft (great for meetings or training). During the summer holidays only 1 room is available as the smaller room doubles up as are tuck shop.The Activity Barn: This is a free covered area that groups can use any time during their stay. It includes tables and chairs and also houses are bouldering wall which is also free to use.Toilet and Shower Block: The toilet block is located in the middle of the site. It houses boys, girls toilets and a disabled toilet. Around the side of this building is 2 shower cubicles.
Next door to main toilet block is the leaders’ toilets and shower. This building is only open during busy periods. When this is closed we ask that you use the disabled toilet.
Both blocks have hot water.
We ask groups staying onsite to help by cleaning the toilets during there stay. During busy periods there is a cleaning rota located outside the main toilet blockWood Pile: We have a designated wood pile on site. We also have wood scattered around the site for use. Any unused wood must be returned back to the woodpile before you depart.
Water taps: Water taps are located in various locations around the campsite.
Rubbish: We have a rubbish collection on site. We also have Recycling facilities for the following Card, Glass, Plastic and Tin.
Car Parking: There are various car parks through out the site located close by to the camping sites and buildings (excluding site 5, 8 and the Activity Barn).
Phones: Collard Bridge has no public telephone, phone signal can be a bit iffy depending on what service you have.
Dogs: In the interests of health & safety, we are sorry but dogs are not permitted onsite. Disability dogs are welcome however.